Charlottetown & Summerside, PE

SMART x 50 Training Method

Google “how to train my dog” and you’ll get thousands of different training plans and protocols, some better than others. Did you know there’s a training plan out there designed to make positive-reinforcement training easier and more accessible for busy people? Read on to find out about SMART x 50, the powerful training plan that will help you reach your training goals and improve your dog’s behaviour.

See, Mark, And Reward Training: a SMART-er Way to Train!

SMART stands for See, Mark, And Reward Training. SMART x 50 was created by renowned positive-reinforcement trainer and clicker wizard Kathy Sdao. The goal is for you to observe your dog’s behaviour throughout the day, and mark and reward any and all behaviours you’d like to see more of. For example, if your dog stands politely at the door instead of barging through before a walk, mark and reward! If he recalls away from something, mark and reward! If he offers a “sit” while you’re preparing food in the kitchen, mark and reward!

The ‘x 50″ in the title refers to doing this 50 times a day. So your goal is to observe your dog every day and reward him 50 times a day for behaviors you like. This way you can quickly and easily build desirable behaviors. Bonus:  it’s a great relationship-building exercise: not only does it help your dog understand that you are a source of good (and yummy!) things, it also helps us humans hone our observation skills, making us better trainers in the process. Moreover, the SMART x 50 protocol allows us to clearly communicate to our dogs which behaviours are desirable, without the need for corrections. What’s not to love about that?!


  • Set up treat stations around the house so that treats are easily accessible when you need them! The entryway, kitchen, and living room are all great places to set up reward stations.
  • If you don’t have treats handy, use praise, pats, or a toy to reinforce desirable behaviours
  • You do not need to carry a clicker around all day to do this! Simply mark by saying “yes!” or “good”, then reward
  • Be generous with rewards throughout the day: don’t wait for your dog to be absolutely perfect. Instead, focus on small moments of positive behaviours. Remember: whatever gets rewarded, gets repeated!

Are you and your dog ready to get SMART about training? Try the protocol to improve both your dog’s skills and your own!

About the author: Beth Dowbiggin is a professional dog trainer, a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP) and a Certified Family Dog Mediator (FDM) living and working in Prince Edward Island, Canada. She  teaches puppy, basic manners, and advanced obedience classes through Spot On Dogs in Charlottetown. 

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